I just got a glimpse of happiness/excitement from Sydney just now. We are sitting watching a movie with the kids, "
The Wild Stallion", and she just leaned back while munching on some popcorn and said, "I can't wait till the 31st! It's Halloween!"
It's so neat to see them get excited. We've been go-go-go with school activities, things for the new house, just every day stuff and I totally forgot about the
EEK!See, for the past 2 years I've told them about the 'Halloween Fairy' and O.M.G., they are waiting to see what
she brings them this year! What happens on Halloween night is this...
...the kids go trick or treating and then come home to do the usual...look at their goodies, get googly-eyed over their treasures and drool. Then they pick out 10 of their fave pieces that they'd want to eat and the rest goes back into their buckets. WHY? Well...because when the kids are asleep, the 'Halloween Fairy' comes into our home and takes the candy to give to those kids less fortunate (a.k.a. Mommy and Daddy! LOL) She then leaves them a surprise in their buckets in the morning.
It works like a charm!
The first year the girls got some tights that they love wearing with their skirts. AND a note! ;) Last year before we left to go trick or treating she left them a little note on the kitchen table that said they could keep 20 pieces this year instead of 10. Talk about some giddy kids! I can't remember what they got last year. But this year...it totally slipped my mind and they mentioned something to me today! Can you imagine the look on my face when they brought her up?!!!
HOLY SMOKES! QUICK...think of something Momma!
And I didn't get a chance to go to the store today, by myself, to pick up a little something. So...what am I going to do?
I think I may surprise them with extra candy left in their buckets and some money. Who doesn't like money right?!
I hope that they aren't disappointed, but we'll see!