The first is my friend Melissa from my scrapbook site. She designs for TMS and she is involved with the MARCH OF DIMES since she lost her daughter almost 5 years ago. Here is a link to her blog where you can read little and make a pledge! She is almost at her goal of collecting over $15,000!!! CONGRATS Melissa!
The second is for my daughter, Morgan's, charity at school. It's American Heart Association's Jump Rope for Heart. She will jumping rope for this cause on Friday, April 24th during her PE class. I know Morgan loves jump roping...she could do this all day!!! So, click on her site and make a donation. Help fight cardiovascular disease and stroke!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Busch Gardens...oh what fun!
Holy Moly do I have tons of pictures to go thru. It was hard picking these b/c I wanted to add more!! Last week was the girls Spring Break. We didn't go away for the break, stayed close by. Easter was one of the days and then Neal had to go out of town for work so it was just me and the kiddos for the first part of the week.
We went to my sister-in-laws and boy was it a rainy day!! So scary on the road getting to her house. But we made it safely. Then the next day we tackled Busch Gardens!! I know, what was I thinking taking 3 kids to BG all by myself?! Well, it wasn't bad at all. We were all kids at a park! I sooo wanted to go on the rides but couldn't b/c who would watch Colton? I was a little hesitant letting the girls wait in those long lines by themselves. But I could see them on the one's that they rode and they had some fun! The are rollercoaster junkies!! WE SO ARE GOING AGAIN SOON W/O COLTON THIS TIME! hahaha
We got to the park at 1030 and left at 7pm. Colton didn't even take a nap and was just wonderful!! He enjoyed the park and animals too! The girls and I will have to go again but this time try the rides (i.e. train, skyride, rollercoasters, log flume!!!, and back to Jungala). It's a good thing I bought a year pass!!! Woohoo!
Here are some pix that I choose. Enjoy!

We went to my sister-in-laws and boy was it a rainy day!! So scary on the road getting to her house. But we made it safely. Then the next day we tackled Busch Gardens!! I know, what was I thinking taking 3 kids to BG all by myself?! Well, it wasn't bad at all. We were all kids at a park! I sooo wanted to go on the rides but couldn't b/c who would watch Colton? I was a little hesitant letting the girls wait in those long lines by themselves. But I could see them on the one's that they rode and they had some fun! The are rollercoaster junkies!! WE SO ARE GOING AGAIN SOON W/O COLTON THIS TIME! hahaha
We got to the park at 1030 and left at 7pm. Colton didn't even take a nap and was just wonderful!! He enjoyed the park and animals too! The girls and I will have to go again but this time try the rides (i.e. train, skyride, rollercoasters, log flume!!!, and back to Jungala). It's a good thing I bought a year pass!!! Woohoo!
Here are some pix that I choose. Enjoy!

Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Sundy
Hope everyone had a nice Easter. We had a very nice, quiet day. The girls were up at 7am trying to get us to let them outside to get the eggs. YIKES! We eventually convinced them that they had to eat breakfast first and get ready before doing so. So we made a big breakfast, Neal and I, and then after that it was onto the eggs. The Easter Bunny left them nice baskets (and not full of candy this year!) and they both got t-shirts that they've been wanting. It's funny b/c they aren't even allowed to watch these shows. Morgan with her High School Musical 2 shirt and Sydney with her iCarly shirt. Colton got 2 outfits and then some squishy sports balls and toy motorcycles. It's amazing how an almost 14month old can already know to make the VROOM-VROOM sound and push toy motorcycles on the tile floor! Here is a picture of the girls before their hunt:

Before they went out to find eggs we let Colton go out first so that he could figure out what an egg hunt was. He just wanted to pick up the eggs and throw them! ACK!

Before they went out to find eggs we let Colton go out first so that he could figure out what an egg hunt was. He just wanted to pick up the eggs and throw them! ACK!

I love this action shot that Neal got of Morgan. You can tell the excitement in this picture.

And this is a shot of what happens when you leave an baby with a basket of eggs and time. heehee We were so caught up with helping the girls find their eggs...some of them were hidden really well...that we left Colt sitting by himself. It dawned on me and I ran to him and saw this...had to have Neal take the picture. Colton didn't have a look of YUM on his face!! 

Later after lunch we finally cut into this cake that I made the night before for Sydney's "bunny". She's had this bunny since Easter before she turned 1. Mema and Pappap gave this to her and who would of thunk that she would carry this bunny EVERYWHERE with her! Poor bunny doesn't look 4 years old! hahaha So, last year we started this tradition to sing Happy Birthday to Bunny b/c Sydney wanted to know how old he was. She just loved this idea and has been counting the days till bunny turned another year. This year she asked for a strawberry shortcake cake for bunny and it be pink! So...this is what bunny got...and the cake was yummy too! ;) 

A little after lunch I had a thought of us going out to the local beach just to get out of the house. Even if it were just an hour. Didn't think that it would be that busy there. Well...we pulled up to Fort Island Beach and it was packed! There went that idea of a quiet walk on the beach! But the kids had fun and Colton got used to the water and his feet sinking in the sand! Here are some pictures of our hour there. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Transparency contest at The Mosy Scrapper
Come on down to my message board for a could win a nice RAK (random act of kindness)!!!
Transparency Contest
Deadline is April 22nd @ midnight ET!
Transparency Contest
Deadline is April 22nd @ midnight ET!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
A week in review
I finally got the pictures off my camera from last week and so need to post them. Last Saturday, what am I think...last weekend was CRAZY! But in a good way. After Neal being gone the whole week w/ work Saturday came and we were all ready to do some fun things with the kids.
Saturday Sydney had "Carnival Day" for her school at a local park. The school puts this on every year raising money for the school. A cake walk, silent raffles, face painting, food and a big haystack for kids to just sit and find goodies throughout the day. Here is Colt sitting in the middle of the stack trying to figure out why we put him there.
We stayed there for a couple of hours and then we were off to Colleen's house to drop off Sydney and Colton for a few hours because it was "Morgan's Day". Earlier in the year I started something I took from JON AND KATE PLUS 8, taking one child out for the day to a place they liked or had interests in and spend a couple one-on-one time with them. Then go out for either a bite to eat or some ice cream. Well...Morgan picked roller skating. I thought that was a great idea! AND I don't know why I hadn't taken her yet being that I skated competitively for so many years as a child myself. to the local rink we went.
I think all rinks look the same. Walking in (without my skates...I must get them next time I'm at my parents...even if they are 2 sizes small...I'll just deal!) brought back so many memories and also nerves. Could I still skate? Would I injure my knee again? Is Morgan going to get hurt? OH...the questions. Well, got some rentals...EW, they lack any support and just are...crap! Got them on and it was amazing how easy it was to get back on them. I did miss my skates though. Morgan had a blast. She held onto the wall for a bit but then decided to venture out. Without me. Then Neal decided he would get skates on...oh help us...and WOW...he surprised me. I was stunned! He skated fast and Morgan loved it. She wanted to spend the rest of the time there with him. That was fine by me anyways...I'm the photographer. And I did spend 5 whole days being mommy and daddy...I think I can share! heehee

After our skating venture we found a really nice ice cream parlor in town. YUM! Then we picked up Colton and to the store to pick up the salad that we needed to bring to our friend's the Bryson's. Got home and literally jumped into the shower, bathed Colt, supervised the girls in the shower and then we were out the door in 45!!! We had a great time over at Tracy and Grant's. Love drinking wine with them and enjoying good food. Can't wait till the next time. The guys seemed to have a REALLY good time b/c they decided to go to the Country Club and pay a visit to the bar. Needless to say...when we got home the girls and I had a slumber party on the floor and it began at midnight! Neal was sawing logs and well...we had our girls time!
Sunday we went to Tiff's house for some 4wheeling fun. I had a good time and so did everyone else. Don't have picures of that though. I was too busy driving! ;)
Nothing much the rest of the week. The girls are on Spring Break and we are just laying low for the most part. Not really going many places. Neal will be in DC for a work convention. I may take the kids to Busch Gardens and we definately will be going to Andrea's for a day or two. The pool is still a bit cold but I might talk the kids into going in. Gotta start cleaning the pool now...ugh!
Here is one last picture I captured yesterday of the girls playing in my bathroom. They were all in my closet having their own fashion show and wearing my shoes. They do a better job walking in my heels and pumps than I do!
Well...I better get off this blog thang and get some baskets ready. Tomorrow is Easter (and Sydney's Bunny's birthday...if you knew Syd and her stuffed's a BIG deal!) and the girls have a little set up for Mr. Bunny!
Kids are too cute!
Saturday Sydney had "Carnival Day" for her school at a local park. The school puts this on every year raising money for the school. A cake walk, silent raffles, face painting, food and a big haystack for kids to just sit and find goodies throughout the day. Here is Colt sitting in the middle of the stack trying to figure out why we put him there.

We stayed there for a couple of hours and then we were off to Colleen's house to drop off Sydney and Colton for a few hours because it was "Morgan's Day". Earlier in the year I started something I took from JON AND KATE PLUS 8, taking one child out for the day to a place they liked or had interests in and spend a couple one-on-one time with them. Then go out for either a bite to eat or some ice cream. Well...Morgan picked roller skating. I thought that was a great idea! AND I don't know why I hadn't taken her yet being that I skated competitively for so many years as a child myself. to the local rink we went.
I think all rinks look the same. Walking in (without my skates...I must get them next time I'm at my parents...even if they are 2 sizes small...I'll just deal!) brought back so many memories and also nerves. Could I still skate? Would I injure my knee again? Is Morgan going to get hurt? OH...the questions. Well, got some rentals...EW, they lack any support and just are...crap! Got them on and it was amazing how easy it was to get back on them. I did miss my skates though. Morgan had a blast. She held onto the wall for a bit but then decided to venture out. Without me. Then Neal decided he would get skates on...oh help us...and WOW...he surprised me. I was stunned! He skated fast and Morgan loved it. She wanted to spend the rest of the time there with him. That was fine by me anyways...I'm the photographer. And I did spend 5 whole days being mommy and daddy...I think I can share! heehee

After our skating venture we found a really nice ice cream parlor in town. YUM! Then we picked up Colton and to the store to pick up the salad that we needed to bring to our friend's the Bryson's. Got home and literally jumped into the shower, bathed Colt, supervised the girls in the shower and then we were out the door in 45!!! We had a great time over at Tracy and Grant's. Love drinking wine with them and enjoying good food. Can't wait till the next time. The guys seemed to have a REALLY good time b/c they decided to go to the Country Club and pay a visit to the bar. Needless to say...when we got home the girls and I had a slumber party on the floor and it began at midnight! Neal was sawing logs and well...we had our girls time!
Sunday we went to Tiff's house for some 4wheeling fun. I had a good time and so did everyone else. Don't have picures of that though. I was too busy driving! ;)
Nothing much the rest of the week. The girls are on Spring Break and we are just laying low for the most part. Not really going many places. Neal will be in DC for a work convention. I may take the kids to Busch Gardens and we definately will be going to Andrea's for a day or two. The pool is still a bit cold but I might talk the kids into going in. Gotta start cleaning the pool now...ugh!
Here is one last picture I captured yesterday of the girls playing in my bathroom. They were all in my closet having their own fashion show and wearing my shoes. They do a better job walking in my heels and pumps than I do!

Well...I better get off this blog thang and get some baskets ready. Tomorrow is Easter (and Sydney's Bunny's birthday...if you knew Syd and her stuffed's a BIG deal!) and the girls have a little set up for Mr. Bunny!

The end of an adventure
Well, last night I sent out the dreaded mass email to all my scrapbook followers, members and customers.....THE MOSY SCRAPPER STORE will be closing in May. {sob} It has been a few months coming I just needed to plan it right and get things in order. HA...yeah right! It seems that there are more things to do now that the store will be closing. Inventory is a mess...only because I will be having a BLOWOUT sale at the beginning of May and also will be trying to sell some things in my local scrap store's garage sale. OY VEY!!! It's going to be a rough couple of weeks in May, but I'm looking forward to afterwards....time to scrap for me!
But with every adventure there is a good side and bad side. The good...I got to meet people from all over and make friends. I got to learn the business aspect of this crazy hobby of mine. The bad...bills, bills and oh...debt! :( And I learned that I hate the accounting part of it. Math may be my strong point, but I can't stand bookeeping and doing my taxes quarterly (thanks dad for sitting with me the last time figuring it all out!) to do more "business" for what's left of the store and also get pictures off my camera so I can charge the batteries for Bunny Day tomorrow!
But with every adventure there is a good side and bad side. The good...I got to meet people from all over and make friends. I got to learn the business aspect of this crazy hobby of mine. The bad...bills, bills and oh...debt! :( And I learned that I hate the accounting part of it. Math may be my strong point, but I can't stand bookeeping and doing my taxes quarterly (thanks dad for sitting with me the last time figuring it all out!) to do more "business" for what's left of the store and also get pictures off my camera so I can charge the batteries for Bunny Day tomorrow!
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